Welcome to Narrow Road Journeys

“You are crazy….This could be amazing…..You can’t pull this off….I need something different….You need stability for you and your family….I crave adventure and creation….Should we do this? No – it’s too much…. YES – I have more for you. A plan for you – Do it!”

Oh, hello there.  You’re actually reading this.  And I have already written it.  This is kind of cool – no pressure of performance.  I can see myself liking this.  I do not do well sharing feelings, emotions, even facts in front of people (those voices again!)…. But I can write all I want, and you may choose to read it.  We all have a story to tell, and I believe they all intertwine both directly and indirectly.  I believe my families past and present is a cool story that will resonate with many.  I know for certain our story holds many unknowns including fantastic adventure as well as very trying struggles.  All the highs and lows.  This is great, and thanks for making it this far.

I would like to start by introducing myself.  My name is Matt.  I am a Indiana raised mid-thirties, middle class professional.  I am currently a Doctor of Physical Therapy living in Grants Pass Oregon.  I have a beautiful wife, Leah, who is also an Indiana raised mid-thirties practicing Doctor of Physical Therapy.  We have two beautiful children.  Our oldest, Faith, is bleached blond, a diligent, sweet, emotional, perfectionist, dancing and performing machine of a five and half year old girl.  Our second, Fisher, is a happy, bounding, make life tough on mom, object flushing 2.5 year old boy…all boy.  Sounds like the dream right?  That’s everything right there, right?  Perfect family, stable job providing a comfortable life.  But there is so much more – We are so much more!

The voices have been there all along for me.  They started with questions like “Is this really what you should be doing with your career/life?”  “Do you really love this profession”.  They progressed to “Are you really going to do this for the majority of your life”.  I could stomach those, as I knew I had chosen a career that would provide flexibility, as well as the ability to listen to “You live in a beautiful, big and free country – go see it, the outdoors is calling.”  Leah and I made our first big jump in response to that voice.  Our honeymoon was in fact a cross-country road trip to relocate from friendly Indiana to beautiful Oregon.  It has been great, however with life mandating more of us at home with our kids, the voices became louder and more demanding.

Rough life, right? I’m not complaining. I’m just stating that these beautiful gifts deserve more of me and not things!

“Is this it in life?  Is the grind something we just need to tolerate – the norm?  Are we not here to experience?  I have 35 more years, of the same thing ahead of me.”  Both Leah and I knew at the same moment the answer had to be a resounding “No”.  We need something different.  We are blessed through the profession we chose – it can be flexible, remember?  So…..we have decided to sell our house, purchase a fifth wheel and become traveling physical therapists, choosing assignments in interesting parts of the country as we home school the kids – alternating who is working and who is home schooling to prevent what burn-out we can.  This is BIG, HUGE!  We are going to drive each other crazy, overcome obstacles we never knew existed, experience different losses….But, we are going to LIVE together, laugh more, experience life with less constraints.  We are going to create!

We are unabashedly strong Christians.  We believe in God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Our Father, is the perfect Creator, and we are created in His image!  With our tangible examples in this world, I marvel at what humans have been able to create – the sheer ingenuity.  But they are only using what God put before them to create – including the ability!  Here’s a thought, compliments of a friend, life becomes exciting when we create, because that is what God does, that is what God is.  When we feel a spark within us, I believe this is Him in us.  This is a voice, or a pulling, or even a gentle nudge.  Whatever you experience, or whatever you call it, that is the voice that should be listened to.  We are choosing to listen to this one.  We are choosing to journey on this narrow road.  740020

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14 thoughts on “Voices In My Head

  1. YES!!! To this amazing choice. God is going to bless you four beyond what you can imagine!! Thank you so much for sharing in this blog.

  2. Congratulations! Yes, there will be challenges but I love that you guys are trusting in God’s provisions and living life abundantly. 💕 I’m excited to follow your journey.

    1. Thank you, Dusti!!!! You guys and the River Valley Community Church family have left such an impactful impression on our lives, inspiring us!

  3. There are very few people in this world I would trust to be able to embark on a journey as MASSIVE as this. There are very few people in this world that I trust period, but you my friend are not only one of the very few I would not only trust with my life but my families life as well. I have never met a more level headed, strong willed, humbled person in my life. You and Leah are the epitome of strength and togetherness. Most people when they meet you guys see very humbled people that provide for their family and will do everything for them. I know you have that inner voice that speaks to you to strive for more and you have both found a way to accomplish both. Stability and spontaneity. So proud of you two for taking yet another leap of FAITH but if I know anything I do know that you will persevere with strength and most importantly gratitude. I love you guys and selfishly am finally excited to see more of you but even more excited to follow your adventures and push my family even more to motivate us to LIVE our lives.

    1. Chunk!!! Love you, brother – that’s too much! Thank you for sharing your heart – I’ll always know where to find it…. right on your sleeve! See you soon!

  4. OK Matt, I don’t know how these blogs work but here are my thoughts.
    How inspiring!!! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and processes leading up to your decision. My belief is there is no right or wrong in this. It is just that these types of decisions so influence the course of our lives. And, you are stepping out of the cultural box and stepping up and saying you and Leah are taking full responsibility for the quality of your family’s lives.
    I have been a PT for nearly 35 years. It’s been a gift and a blessing in so many ways. However, I too have a huge part of me that seeks and thrives on adventure. But even as JCPT‘s “Vacation King” I couldn’t amass the kind of experiences as you will on the road. You are saying “yes!“ To that part of your life.
    And what you are modeling for Faith and Fisher in showing them life outside the box will be a true gift to each of them.
    I bless you and your family on this journey.

    1. G!!!! Thank you for the touching words! And that’s ok, I’m not really sure how these blogs work yet either. I value your friendship so much! See you on the river!

  5. Amazed with joy & inspiration to see you and your family follow this journey! I/we hope all the window views, rear-view mirrors, right and lefts and everything in-between feed your souls and gift your life with miraculous experiences, passions and love as I am sure they will do even more than that! Excited to be able to follow along and we wish you safe and beautiful travels & adventures in this new chapter of life!

    1. Falan!!! Thank you sooo much for the sweet words! And hey, our families will actually get to hang out soon!!!

  6. So proud to call you guys my family! Love you all and can’t wait to see the ways God uses this to bless your family and others!

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